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You are not alone

The faculty and staff at OSU want you to know that we’re all in this together. In this video, Dr. Todd Misener, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Chief Wellness Officer at OSU, shares the ups and downs of his mental health journey throughout his life.

You matter

The faculty and staff at OSU want you to know that we’re all in this together. Claire Leffingwell, Coordinator of 1is2Many, talks about her experiences with mental health throughout her life.

You are seen

The faculty and staff at OSU want you to know that we’re all in this together. In this video, Dr. Tyler Price, Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs, shares his mental health journey.

More Stories

Dr. Doug Hallenbeck

Dr. Doug Hallenbeck, former Vice President of Student Affairs, discusses the challenges he faces in his life and the relationship he fostered with his mental health.

Tom Joyce

Academic Advisor, Tom Joyce faced many challenges while serving in the United States Army. Tune in to learn about the struggles he faced while serving and how OSU's mental health resources have helped him in his civilian life.

Dr. Cynda Clary

Dr. Cynda Clary, Associate Dean of the Ferguson College of Agriculture discusses how the industry she worked in as a young professional impacted her and the challenges she faced during that time.