Welcome New Students
Monday, August 21, 2023
So, you’ve just started your journey at Oklahoma State, congratulations! Go ahead and stop what you’re doing right now and pat yourself on the back, you worked hard to get here! These next few years will be some of the most exciting times of your life, but it can also be a lot to take in!
Your first year is all about learning how to navigate your life and all the changes that come with beginning college. For most of you, this is your first time to really be on your own and let’s be real it can be overwhelming and pretty darn intimidating. Just know, the person next to you in class is either in the exact same position as you or at least still trying to figure it all out… I know I am!

Things I wish I could tell my first-year self:
- Studying in college is so different than high school, don’t wait until you’ve failed the first exam to decide to stick your nose to the grindstone.
- It’s alright to feel a little out of place, give yourself some time. The Cowboy family is here with open arms.
- Don’t be afraid to talk to the person sitting next to you in class! Study buddies can turn out to be some of you best friendships.
- This year isn’t going to be easy but you’re going to grow in a number of ways – be as proud of each struggle as you are of each success.

Tips for finding success in the classroom:
- Are you a pencil and paper notetaker or do you prefer typed notes? If you’re not sure, try out both and decide which works best for you! Personally, I retain so much more information by typing my notes!
- Find a study spot on campus or in town that creates the best environment for you!
- Get to know your professors and TAs and utilize their office hours! It’s much more beneficial to receive help from a person who knows you and your work ethic!
- Read the syllabus and keep up with the class schedule! This helps you prepare for the class well in advance!
- Utilize some sort of planner that has both your personal and academic schedules! If I didn’t have my planner my life would be twice as chaotic!

^^ Me studying…
Adapting to life on campus:
- Look into our 500+ student organizations and don’t be afraid to try a few out! Sometimes these clubs relate directly to your major and sometimes they help connect you with a community that shares your interest!
- Do your best to separate schoolwork from your life in the residential hall. Maybe that sounds a little weird, but your room is your home here, and taking work home can lead to quick burnout.
- Create healthy boundaries with your roommate and respect theirs! Living with someone isn’t easy but again, the res hall is your home here and it should be a comfortable environment for you!

Most of all, remember to just breathe! While it’s easy to only think about how stressful these next few years will be, don’t let that overshadow just how incredible they can be! Take it from a fellow Cowboy, there isn’t anything quite like a sunset at OSU or the roars from fans in Boone Pickens Stadium. You’ll go home for breaks and find yourself missing the family you create here at college almost like you miss your hometown while you’re here. And when your final year rollsaround, you’ll wonder where they all went.
You are now a part of the most Loyal & True family, and we are happy you’re here! Good luck with your first year!