We're Here to Help
Monday, November 14, 2022
Hey Cowboy Family!
Just popping in to check on YOU.

We know that talking about our mental health can be a little uncomfortable, but acknowledging your feelings is the first step and we want you to know that we support you and want to help you to be the best you.

OSU’s mental health support resources
We offer multiple mental health resources available to you, on campus and virtually. You can check out the full list by clicking the button below, but just to name a few, we have:
- Individual, group and grief counseling
- Alcohol and substance abuse counseling
- Walk-in Clinic
- Reboot Center
- TAO Self-Help services
- Talk About It Tuesday videos
- University Counseling Podcast
- Mental Health Moment videos
- Call SAM – 24/7 Availability
Explore the full list of mental health resources on campus
Know the Signs
If you are not personally struggling with your mental health, you can still help keep our Cowboy Family safe and healthy. Utilize our training and educational resources to learn more about helping those who struggle with mental health. Training resources on campus include:
- Suicide Prevention Training (QPR)
- Kognito - Online Suicide Prevention Trainings
- Mental Health First Aid
- Talk Saves Lives - Suicide Prevention Training
- Student Mental Health Training Video
- Various educational programs
See the full list of trainings available to you
You don’t have to hurt alone
The loss of a loved one. Break-ups. Big life changes. All these types of grief affect every member of our Cowboy Family at different times in college. Mourning a loss is never easy and looks different for everyone. University Counseling Services offers grief counseling to assist students in processing their unique feelings and thoughts in a safe and supportive environment.
Maybe you’re not interested in participating in counseling, and that’s okay! If that’s you, UCS also offers resources such as grief and loss workbooks and presentations.
Most of all
We never want you to forget that being a Cowboy makes you a part of the most Loyal and True family. We see you, we hear you and we want the best for you.