Tips for Moving Out
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
As the spring semester winds down, you may be getting ready to pack up your dorm and head back to your roots. If that’s you, here are a few tips to make your move a little easier!
Single Student Housing
1. Set your checkout appointment
- Set up a checkout appointment with your Community Mentor (CM) at least 24 hours prior to moving out.
- You received an improper checkout fee? Here’s why:
- You failed to set up an appointment with your CM.
- You missed your scheduled appointment.
- You weren’t ready by your scheduled appointment.
2. Prepare room for checkout
- Remove your personal items.
- Double check your dresser and desk drawers for overlooked items.
- Clean the room.
- Clean all surfaces, including desk/dresser, bookshelf and inside drawers.
- Clean windows and mirrors.
- Leave peel-and-stick adhesive hooks (such as Command™ Brand) in place. These will be removed by facilities management. Removal can cause damage to the walls that will result in damage charges.
- Remove contact paper from counter and bulletin boards.
- Sweep, mop and vacuum the floors. Any dirt and debris should be placed in the trash and not the hallway.
- Put all of your trash in the dumpster. Failure to do so can lead to an improper checkout fee.
- University furniture
- Move furniture to its original place.
- If you removed your closet doors, please replace them.
3. Checkout
- Meet with your CM in your room at your appointment time.
- Have room and mail keys ready to be returned to the front desk.
- Sign the appropriate paperwork.

Family or Graduate Student Housing
If you’re moving out of family or graduate student housing, your move-out process will be slightly different.
1. Give a notice to vacate
- The primary lessee must submit a Notice to Vacate to the IBA Office before moving out of your apartment.
- You may give notice of your planned checkout day at any time.
- Staff may request an airline ticket, J-1 Visa or other documentation for rent refunds or waiver of contract purchase fee.
2. Clean your apartment
- Remember as with all chemicals, cleaners, and abrasives – read the instructions. Mixing supplies can cause damage or harm to people, equipment and facilities. Find more cleaning tips here.
3. Checkout
- Once you have properly cleaned your apartment, turn all keys into the FRC. If the FRC is closed, call the duty phone posted at the front door and a staff member will meet you at the FRC to get the keys.
4. Discontinue/cancel services
- Remember to discontinue any services you have signed up for. These may include telephone, cable pay channels and newspaper subscriptions.
5. File a change of address form
- File a Change of Address form with the US Postal Service. Your mail will not automatically
be forwarded unless you request this. You can complete a form in person at the Stillwater
Post Office at online at After moving out, Housing and Residential Life can no longer open the mailbox for
PLEASE NOTE: Common violations that could result in an improper checkout fee include not turning in a Notice to Vacate form or leaving personal items in apartments or breezeways.

Important dates to remember:
- If you’ll be in town over the summer and planning on staying on campus, Single Student Housing applications for Summer 2023 opened April 10.
- Housing selections for the 2023-2024 academic year will close May 1. (SSH remains open during this time.)
- Checkouts for Spring 2023 must be scheduled with your CM 24 hours after your last final during the week of May 8 – 12.
- Housing selections for undergraduate housing reopens June 1.