The Best Study Spots on Campus
Monday, December 4, 2023
Pre-finals week is here, and finals are just around the corner. This means the campus and every coffee shop in town will be filled with students putting their noses to the grindstone and finishing the semester strong!

Having a Good Study Space
Your study space plays a large role in the effectiveness of your study sessions. We often want to opt for a more comfortable workspace, but in reality, we’re less likely to complete the amount of work we set out to do or produce the quality of work we expect. Making a cup of coffee in your PJs and heading to the couch with your laptop sounds ideal until you wake up a few hours later and realize your body has given into the nap you’ve been fighting.
Having a good study space is important, and with that comes a few requirements. The space needs a desk or table, access to an outlet, and good lighting – whether that be overhead or a desk lamp. Don’t let me steer you wrong in thinking your comfort isn’t a necessity. It definitely is! Just ensure that your comfort enhances your study environment and doesn’t take away from it!

Where You Can Study on Campus
Edmon Low Library is bringing back 24/7 access for pre-finals and finals week. The 24-hour services begin Dec. 4.
- Residents Hall study rooms. Many of our residents’ halls offer a study room on each floor or a large gathering area on the lowest level that students have 24-hour access to! Using this space could give you a quiet and less crowded workspace.
- Academic Halls. Several academic halls across campus offer spaces for their students to gather to work on projects or use for study groups.
- North Classroom first floor study area. North Classroom Building offers a quiet and isolated study space for students like the spaces of Edmon Low.
- Edmon Low Study Rooms. In addition to our library’s several open spaces, you can also reserve individual study rooms for you and your friends! These reservations fill up fast so reserve now!
As our semester comes to a close, congratulations on all your hard work this semester! It’s very easy to lose steam right here at the end, but we’re rooting for you and know you can finish strong! Good luck, Cowboys!