Severe Weather Safety
Monday, March 27, 2023
If you grew up in or around Oklahoma, it’s possible that you’ve sat on your front porch watching the storm clouds roll in. However, for those of us who are just becoming accustomed to Oklahoma’s constant mood swings, the weather alerts can be a little intimidating.
With Oklahoma’s storm season beginning in April, we want our Cowboy Family to be prepared as possible in the event of severe weather. Take some time to read these severe weather safety tips and be prepared in case of emergency!

What to do
- Shut off equipment that might be affected by loss of electricity.
- Stay away from windows.
- Use your phone for emergencies only.
- If you're not from this part of the country, you might not be aware of toronado sirens. You'll see them around town, and they're often tested by the City of Stillwater on the first Tuesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. when the weather is clear. When you hear them outside of that time seek shelter.
- Know that there will NOT be an all-clear signal from alert sirens. Additional siren blasts indicate a new alert.
Twister Tips
- If there is a tornado warning for OSU and the City of Stillwater from the National Weather Service, an automatic Cowboy alert will be sent to the campus community advising you to move to an area of refuge.
- If there is a toronado warning issued for our area, basements usually offer the best protection. Otherwise, seek shelter in an interior room (bathroom/shower) or hallway on the lowest level.
- Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside.
- Even in interior rooms, cover yourself with some sort of thick padding (mattress, blankets, etc.)
- Get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold onto it.
- Avoid large open rooms.
- Crouch to the floor and cover your head with your hands.

Where to go
In the event of a tornado warning, you’ll definitely want to seek shelter. The good
news is that OSU’s campus has several buildings that have basement areas of refuge that are open during the
day. Remember that once the toronado sirens have sounded, you'll need to stay put
and shelter in place.
For after hours, Ag Hall and the Classroom Building are opened as areas of refuge.
Daytime areas of refuge:
- Ag Hall
- Business
- Classroom
- Dairy Barn
- Engineering North
- General Academic Building
- Iba Hall
- Edmon Low
- Life Sciences East & West
- Math Sciences
- McElroy Hall
- Nancy Randolph Davis Building
- Noble Research Center
- Psychology Building
- Parker Hall
- Physical Sciences
- Scott Hall
- Seretean Wellness Center
- Small Grains
- Stout Hall
- Student Health
- Student Union
- Vet Med Teaching Hospital
- Water Plant
- Wentz Hall
- Willard