Q&A with an Academic Advisor
Monday, October 17, 2022
Just when you thought you found your groove in the semester, the emails start rolling in about enrolling for next semester. Sometimes it feels like things just never stop, right?!

We get it.
Enrollment can be a stressful process, but planning ahead is essential.
You’ve got Qs. We’ve got As.
Here to help answer your most common questions is Nick Holmes, director of University College Advising and the LASSO Center.

1. How do I know when I can enroll?
Find your enrollment date on the spring 2023 enrollment dates website or in the Notes section of your Student Profile in Self Service. After clicking on the Notes tab of your Profile, click the black arrow to view your time ticket details.
2. How do I know what classes to enroll in?
You need to meet with your academic advisor at least once per semester to have your advisor hold cleared. During that meeting, you will discuss courses for your next semester. It’s always a good idea to go in prepared for that meeting – consult Degree Works as well as the Degree Requirements and Example Plan of Study found in the University Catalog.
3. Where do I enroll at? Online? In person?
You can self-enroll using myOKSTATE Self Service after you have cleared all of your registration holds.
4. Who do I talk to if I have trouble enrolling?
First, check for common errors. You may be trying to enroll in a section with restrictions. If you cannot resolve your issue after checking the common errors, check-in with your Academic Advisor.
5. How do I know who my advisor is?
Academic Advisors are listed on the Student Profile in myOKSTATE Self Service.
6. How do I get an appointment with my advisor?
You can schedule academic advising appointments through the Slate System. Just log in and select Advising, and follow the prompts.
7. The class I want to enroll in is full. What do I do?
You may be able to get on the waitlist for the class, if it exists. You should also consider an alternate section of the course, or look at any alternatives to that course provided by your academic advisor. Don’t give up yet – keep checking to see if a seat opens at a later date before classes begin.
8. I want to change my major. How do I do that?
You need to start with your Academic Advisor if you want to change your major or minor at OSU – let your advisor know of your new major or minor and they’ll help you transition to the new program. Depending on your new academic major, you may get reassigned to a new academic advisor in your new area of study.

Still have questions?
No problem! Reach out to your Academic Advisor (see question #5). They’ll have your questions answered in no time!