Make the Most of Your Summer
Monday, May 15, 2023
Finals are over and we’re officially on a good two-month break (unless you’re taking summer classes…good luck pal!) So, let’s make the most of it!

If you’re traveling this summer here are a few packing tips to make it a little easier:
- Use packing cubes! It helps to compress and separate your clothing for efficient suitcase packing.
- Pack versatile clothing. Bringing clothes that can be worn in several different ways saves space! Plus, if you struggle deciding on what to wear, versatile clothing encourages less indecisiveness!
- Make a virtual packing list! I never go on a trip without double or triple checking my pre-made list!

Or if you’re here for the summer, Oklahoma has several tourist attractions for you to enjoy!
1. Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge.
Visit Southwest Oklahoma to admire beautiful landscapes and wildlife such as bison and elk! It’s also a great place to hike, rock climb or mountain bike.
2. Turner Falls.
Find a 77-foot-high waterfall, caves and campsites to explore with friends!
3. Tropical Conservatory in Oklahoma City.
The Crystal Bridge Conservatory is well known in the architecture world and is home to over 13,000 square feet of plants!
4. Beaver’s Bend State Park.
Beaver’s Bend is one of the most popular parks in Oklahoma! It offers a beautiful lake, rivers and perfect hiking spots! The town surrounding it also has cool tourist attractions to visit and partake in!
5. Pop’s.
Visit this roadside attraction on historical Route 66 in Arcadia, Oklahoma! It is marked by a giant neon sign in the shape of a pop bottle and inside you’ll find THOUSANDS of soda pop flavors to pair with a delicious dinner!

While some of us are spending some of our summer on road trips and plane rides – others may be starting their first internship! Being an intern is all things exciting, overwhelming, challenging and rewarding! If you’re feeling nervous here are a few things to keep in mind throughout the process:
1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. There is no such thing as too many questions – you’re there to learn and they are there to teach you!
2. Be proactive and take initiative. Complete your task and talk to your coworkers or supervisor to see where else you can help! You could also propose your own ideas for new tasks and projects!
3. Reflect and log your experience. This is especially important if you’re getting college credit from the internship, but even if you’re not – it’s always valuable to look back on how you’ve grown during the experience!
4. Give yourself time! In a new environment it’s easy to feel the pressure of trying to fit in and immediately understand your job task and duties, but remember that those things come with time! Don’t feel overwhelmed because your first week is a little stressful, you've got this!

May your summer be full of new experiences, lasting memories and things that bring you joy! We’ll see you back in class August 21! Go Pokes!