Football Season
Monday, September 4, 2023
It’s a Saturday evening in the fall (even though it still feels like the middle of summer). RVs have begun to fill the parking lots, the large white tents are popping up along the east side of campus and suddenly there’s a thrill of school spirit in the air. This is the arrival of Stillwater’s favorite pastime – football season.
Lines will be billowing out of restaurant doors, the air will be thick surrounding Boone Pickens Stadium and the streets become a sea of orange. These moments are the epitome of college memories and there is nothing like a gameday at Oklahoma State. Whether this is your first time, or you consider yourself a seasoned football fan, get excited because the fun is finally here!
Tailgating Tips:
- Check the weather
- Around here it’s in the 90s one day and in the 50s the next. Be prepared for both!
- Control your alcohol consumption
- If you are 21 and decide to drink, be sure to alternate between your beverage and water. Remember, nobody knows your limits better than you!
- Don’t forget about your DD
- If you and your friends know well in advance that you’ll be drinking, you should also know well in advance who will be driving. If no one in your group is willing to drive – thank goodness for public transportation and Uber! But, make a plan first.
- Check out the tailgating map in advance
- Campus has several areas open for tailgating but not all are open for grabs! Make sure you know where you and your pals can snag a spot!
- Guard your grill
- Practice fire safety for your own protection and others around you!
- Practice the 2-hour rule
- Dispose of perishable food within two hours of it sitting out to avoid spoiling or food poisoning.

The Best Places to get your Orange Gear!
You’re going to want to look the part for a Cowboy gameday and lucky for you, on almost every corner there’s a shop that has the perfect Cowboy merch! We’ve got some great options on campus too!
- University Store
- Boone Pickens Stadium Merchandise storefront
- For Pete’s Sake
- Chris’ University Store
- DuPree’s Sports & Screen printing

When and Where?
I’ve given you a few starting tips but what good is that if you don’t also have the schedule? Below is a list of our upcoming home games and you can find our away games here.
- South Alabama, Sept. 16
- Kanas State, Sept. 6
- Kanas, Oct. 14
- Cincinnati, Oct. 28 (Homecoming)
- Oklahoma, Nov. 4
- BYU, Nov. 25

We’ll see you at Boone Pickens Stadium, Cowboys!