Building a Better World: What Land-Grant Week at OSU Taught Me
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
ICYMI: Last week was Land-Grant Week at Oklahoma State University. Not sure what that means? Keep reading.
If you’re like me, you might not have known the full scope of what it means to attend a land-grant university. It’s more than just a title—it’s a commitment to something bigger. Land-grant universities, like OSU, were established under the Morrill Act of 1862. The goal? To make higher education accessible to more people—especially those in agricultural and mechanical fields—and to apply that knowledge to benefit the public. In short, we’re here to serve.
At OSU, this means we contribute to society in ways that truly make an impact. From classrooms and research labs to Extension offices across the state, the work done through OSU has one primary goal: to serve the people of Oklahoma. That’s what being a land-grant university is all about—using education, research and Extension to improve the lives of everyday people.
When I think about this mission and the massive impact it has on Oklahoma, it makes me incredibly proud to be a part of the Cowboy family. Being a student at OSU isn’t just about getting a degree—it’s about being part of a legacy of service that can literally change the world.
During Land-Grant Week, OSU hosted events that opened my eyes to what it truly means to be part of this mission. Information tents popped up across campus, a giant Lego wall stood outside the Edmon Low Library for students to interact with, and even First Cowboy Darren Shrum stopped by to engage with students.
Here’s what I learned about OSU’s three pillars of being a land-grant institution:
- Teaching: Providing access to education that empowers all students, especially those who may not have had these opportunities in the past.
- Research: Conducting groundbreaking studies that address real-world challenges, from improving health care and tackling world hunger to developing cutting-edge aerospace initiatives.
- Extension: Bringing knowledge and resources out of the university and into local communities, so that the people of Oklahoma can directly benefit from what we learn.

Did you learn something new during Land-Grant Week? We’d love to hear your story! Share your experience on Instagram with the hashtags #WeAreLandGrant and #okstate.
Let’s keep building a better world, Cowboys!