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Who We Are

The Division of Student Affairs exists to help students and address their needs and concerns. Explore student life through our departments and resources.
OSU Sign and walkway

Our values inspire


Sharing time, talent and resources to best support students and the community


Connecting people to the institution, one another and shared purpose to build meaning and make a difference


Creating the environment where all feel welcomed, accepted and respected


Pursuing the solution to problems, driving fiscal innovation and providing evidence of results


Adhering to the highest ethical and professional standards


Applying a diverse pool of talents, strengths and expertise to the continual development of high-quality programs and services

Voices of Student Affairs

Discover the stories that shape the student experience through Voices of Student Affairs! Explore personal stories that demonstrate how student affairs professionals, student leaders, and campus organizations work together to foster growth and success.
Two students standing next to a snowman they made with Edmon Low Library in the background.

Student Blog Posts